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AK3D offers expert consulting services for industrial 3D printing. Our team is well-versed in a range of manufacturing processes, including but not limited to FDM, SLA, SLS, MSLS, and DLP.
Each problem requires a calculated and engineered solution. Let us take a look at your current manufacturing process and help you unlock the full potential of 3D printing.
We can take a client's current product lines, manufacturing methods, and future product and show the benefits of utilizing additive manufacturing. These studies will take an in depth look at the cost to manufacture using AM/subtractive methods or a combination of AM and traditional manufacturing methods focusing on time, cost, labor, volume, and supply chain
For a company's preexisting product, revision of a product, or future product, we will take a methodical additive approach to the design process after conducting a prerequisite manufacturing analysis. Utilizing design for additive manufacturing, we can take the desired production manufacturing process and design for this technology optimizing cycle time and material usage.
After the adaption of additive manufacturing into the client's workflow, we can provide training and support for CAD design with an emphasis on design for additive manufacturing. Our goal is to assist drafters, designers, engineers, and operators to absorb our 10+ years of CAD experience ensuring your ability to be able to bring rapid production and iterations in-house. Ideal candidates would have experience designing in CAD, but not required
We will assist and guide the client with setup and development of print farms and additive manufacturing build outs. Once operational, we will continue to add support to aid in a lean manufacturing approach and workflow optimization.
Do you have a specific finish that is required for the part? Do you need to add a special coating and worried about compatibility with material? We can assist you with any post processing that may be required after the parts have been produced. With additive, there often may be capabilities that can reduce or even eliminate any additional post processing.
Per the clients request, we can conduct test and studies to determine optimal part orientation, print settings, build plate layout, etc of a part, set of parts, or full assemblies. This streamlines the design process to minimize the overall steps that are needed to produce functional parts.
AK3D can assist with recommendations on materials and applications where 3D printing enables a high ROI for the clients business/venture. Our experience covers a wide range of 3D printable materials and their counterparts found in injection molding, machining, and other manufacturing processes. After reviewing the client's requirements, we can provide recommendations based on factors such as environments, stresses, and certifications. Custom materials are an option as well and we work with our material suppliers to offer you a unique one of a kind material specifically for your project.
Through thorough research of available additive manufacturing equipment, we can streamline the selection process to identify the most suitable machines for the Client. This involves requesting samples and testing materials to verify capabilities prior to making purchases. Leveraging our expertise in this domain, we possess the purchasing power and know-how to negotiate comprehensive packages on behalf of the Client, encompassing the machine, setup, training, and other essentials.
Following the equipment acquisition, we offer support in developing processes, policy procedures, and manuals for manufacturing parts using the acquired machines. Additionally, we provide training on creating custom materials and analyzing the optimal additive manufacturing methods required for specific applications.
AK3D offers support to your Human Resources department in sourcing, engaging, and interviewing suitable candidates within the Additive Manufacturing industry. This service can be included as a partial or full section to the consulting agreement. AK3D is flexible and can provide assistance on an as-needed basis, where the Client leads the search and interviews, or AK3D can manage the entire process, including drafting search criteria, soliciting applications, coordinating interviews, and presenting a ranked list of candidates for hiring consideration.
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